But the Lord Was With Joseph

After many years of being blinded by anger at God, He gently led me back to His church. One of the first passages we studied was the story of Joseph. I saw Joseph in a whole new light. Through repeated trauma, pain, and years of injustice Joseph stayed faithful to God. The Lord was with Joseph and He didn’t stop any of the trauma, any of the pain, any of the heartache. He worked through it and He remained by Joseph’s side.

What a word that was for me, as I chose to trust again in a God who doesn’t stop the pain but sits with us in it and works all things for His good, in His timing. I invite you to see your life through the lense of Joseph, as we work through this story together.

“The Lord was with Joseph” in every trial and in every hardship and unfair thing. In slavery, in prison, no matter where he went or what happened God was with Joseph.

“But the Lord was with Joseph and showed him steadfast love and gave him favor in the sight of the keeper of the prison.”

Genesis 39:21


Scarcity vs. Abundance Mindset